not fully appreciate the significance of their own high sounding phrases. When specifically challenged to translate their clarion calls into meaningful expressions of a Christian ministry to the homosexual community these liberal voices become silent or pre-occupied with other éàs of the ministry. Again and again I have personally sought to follow-up the authors of such encouraging words asking concrete witness from them toward the homosexual. With the exceptions of the six men previously mentioned I have been sadly disillusioned by our current Protestant spokesmen crying out for a more liberal ministry. I must conclude that the majority do not intend that their high sounding words include the homosexual. (CONTINUED IN NEXT ISSUE)
Richard L. Schlegel of Washington, D.C., delivered the "blast" of the Ninth Annual Mattachine Conference near the end of the afternoon program. His documented report printed below is aimed at a project to petition the Federal Government, particularly in the Department of Defense and in Civil Service, to re-examine and for the most part reverse a present policy of declaring all homosexuals per se to be security risks and otherwise unfit for government employment or service. Schlegel is seeking the aid of several established "homophile movement" organizations, plus the aid of many individuals in and out of government and the professions to organize. and press his outlined plan. There is nothing secret or sinister about his project, but the very nature of it-because, frankly, it is one of our government's most "sacred cows" todayis such that intense interest has been shown about his proposal by law enforcement agencies on several levels.
Homosexuals in Government:
On January 1, 1963, subscription prices for the REVIEW will be advanced to $7.50 per year in the U.S. and all other countries. Newsstand and single copy price will be 75¢.
In the meantime, here's a chance to renew your subscription or to order a new subscription at the present rate of $5.00 per year.
All new and renewal subscriptions received on or before Dec. 31, 1962 will be accepted at the current rate of $5.00 per year. Such subscriptions may be extended for a maximum period of three years hence.
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your remittance today to:
Mattachine Society, Inc.
693 Mission Street
San Francisco 5, California
THE U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is the world's largest employer of manpower. And within that governmental complex, the Department of Defense is not only the largest single employer, but also the world's largest single consumer of goods and services. It exerts by and large the greatest impact upon employment policies of any agency in this Nation. There is hardly an industry or an industry subsidiary that is not touched in one way or another by the employment policies of this Department. Nor is there one American family that is not in some way affected by a mere handful of policy-makers at the apex of this establishment. I speak here not only of civ ilian employment, both within the Department of Defense itself and within the myriad of industries which service the military pipeline, but I speak also of the many millions of men and women who have in the past and present, and who will in the future, come under the control of the military services and, by so doing, subject themselves to the whims of that same handful of men.
I would speak with greater confidence if I myself had faith in that handful of men, faith that the policies they fashion would be based only upon the true national interest, without personal prejudice or malice. I cannot stand here before you today and say with any honesty that I have that conviction. I can only repeat, after studying these Departmental policies for a good many years now, and after talking directly with the men who make and administer the regulations, there is only one phrase which adequately
mattachine REVIEW